We are changing the way we offer urgent/same day appointments for children aged 1 to 15. From 15th November, please use the NHS Healthier Together App to assess your child’s illness. If an urgent appointment is needed, the app will contact us and you will receive a text message with a same day appointment. Please download the app and create a profile for your child(ren) using the links below:

Home :: Frimley HealthierTogether (frimley-healthiertogether.nhs.uk) 

Thank You.

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Training Practice

Station Road Surgery is a training practice. We often have doctors in training based at the practice, either Foundation Year doctors or Specialist Training doctors.

Foundation Year doctors are already fully qualified and are gaining experience of working in general practice. Specialist Training doctors are those who have chosen general practice as their career and are on a 3 year training scheme to become general practitioners.

When booking an appointment you may be asked to take an appointment with them.